
Latinx Theater Awards


Latinx Theater Awards / Borimix Awards 2024 Borimix Awards 2024 Borimix Honors Poet Giannina Braschi Producers:TEATRO SEA, THE CLEMENTE, TEATRO LATEA, EL CENTRO Celebrate BORIMIX: Puerto Rico Fest 2024 during Puerto Rican Heritage Month. The BORIMIX Awards Ceremony is free and open to the public. This special event honores artistic leaders in the Puerto Rican community, including dynamic Boricua...

Putinoika Book Review


PUTINOIKA BOOK REVIEW BY LATINX POP MAGAZINE "The Putinas’s voices, mainly comprised of Ivana, Ivanka, and Melania, brilliantly parallel with the Maenads—whose existence is determined by their devotion to Bacchus. Yet it is not Bacchus but the Putin’s Russian regime that is the Putinas’s subject of devotion in this case. As Melania the Putina reaffirms, “We’re more flesh than inspiration. We’re...

The Waste Land Giannina Braschi


The Waste Land Giannina Braschi Giannina Braschi reads T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land Giannina Braschi reads from The Waste Land Short Film on TS ELIOT’S THE WASTE LAND Madame Sosostris, famous clairvoyante,Had a bad cold, neverthelessIs known to be the wisest woman in Europe, With a wicked pack of cards. Here, said she, Is your card, the drowned Phoenician Sailor, (Those are pearls that...

Borimix Awards 2024


Borimix Awards 2024


Giannina Braschi

Máximo Rafael Colón

Arlene Davila

Sully Díaz

Gabriel Diego Hernandez

Sonia Manzano

Eddie Noel

Willie Perdomo

Charles Rice

Andres Chulisi Rodriguez

Didi Romero

Jeannie Sol

Rhina Valentin



"La Grecia de los clásicos vive aún, sobre todo, en la escritura de Giannina Braschi. Viven las bacantes, las musas y las furias; viven los sátiros; vive Edipo, al igual que Antígona y Casandra, también Tiresias, Creonte y Electra. (Aparecen aquí también, entre muchos otros, El Greco, María Callas y Picasso, con Ivana, Ivanka, Melania y “Pendejo”, -el innombrable- además de Giannina misma.) En un...

Espido Freire and Giannina Braschi


The International Multilingual Creative Writing Conference (November 13-15th 2024) is a public platform to celebrate the rich diversity of human experience across cultures and a unique opportunity to foster intercultural collaboration with writers, editors, educators, media outlets, and publishers. Headlining talent includes literary luminaries such as Carmen Boullosa (Mexico), Giannina Braschi...

Collusion of Hairdos


Collusion of Hairdos “I am promiscuous with hairstyles. I change my hairstyle all the time. I don’t cheat on my husband. I cheat on my hairdressers. They always give me the same cut. Maybe they only know how to do it one way. But I do it with all and with none. And I want them to innovate—to change their style. You think I am once. But I am not once. It never happens once in my lifetime and...

Escritora puertorriqueña gana el Premio Angela Davis


Giannina Braschi recibe el Premio Angela Davis del American Studies Association. La poeta, filósofa y activista Giannina Braschi es reconocida por "la contribución sobresaliente que su trabajo representa para los estudios estadounidenses y, de hecho, para el mundo", declaró Mishuana Goeman, presidenta de ASA.

Angela Y Davis Award 2024


Giannina Braschi is the recipient of the 2024 Angela Y Davis Award from the American Studies Association (ASA), the oldest and largest scholarly organization dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of U.S. cultures and histories.  Poet, philosopher, and activist Giannina Braschi is recognized for “the outstanding contribution (her) work represents to American Studies and indeed, to the world,”...

American Literature Association 2025


American Literature Association 2025 American Literature Association Conference 2025 36th Annual Conference – May 21-24, 2025 CFP The Jonathan Bayliss Society invites proposals for two panels at the annual conference of the American Literature Association, which will be held May 21-24, 2025, at the Westin Copley Place in Boston. For information about the conference see . American...