Ilan Stavans blurbs Putinoika in the style of… Ilan Stavans Blurbs Putinoika in the style of Stavans blurbs Putinoika Ilan Stavans blurbs Giannina Braschi’s new book PUTINOIKA in the style of his philosophical and literary heroes–Shakespeare, Diogenes of Sinope, Johan Gottfried Herder, Erasmus of Rotterdam, Juan Luis Vives, and Sor Juana. Illustrations of Ilan as his heroes by...
El imperio de los sueños
El imperio de los sueños. Poeta: Giannina Braschi. Film by Adrian Brinkerhoff Poetry Foundation. Directed by Williams Cole.
Madame Sosostris short film
Giannina Braschi reads Madame Sosostris, famous clairvoyante from T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land in a short film directed by Williams Cole and presented by the Adrian Brinkerhoff Poetry Foundation and the Academy of American Poets.
Autoficción contemporánea
Patricia López-Gay participó en el XVII Congreso de la Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española (ASALE), celebrado entre el 11 y 13 de noviembre de 2024 en Quito. Su ponencia se enfocó en la obra de la escritora puertorriqueña Giannina Braschi, particularmente en los libros Estados Unidos de Banana, recientemente reeditado en una versión gráfica, y PUTINOIKA. López-Gay presentó estas obras...
El premio Angela Davis
La escritora puertorriqueña Giannina Braschi recibió el Premio Angela Davis 2024 del American Studies Association (ASA), la organización académica más antigua y grande dedicada al estudio interdisciplinario de las culturas e historias de Estados Unidos. CAMBIO16
Putinoika is a luminous book. Its light comes from an apparent chaos, a mirror of our time, written in a precise, profane, and sweetly convulsive language.
Latinx Theater Awards
Latinx Theater Awards / Borimix Awards 2024 Borimix Awards 2024 Borimix Honors Poet Giannina Braschi Producers:TEATRO SEA, THE CLEMENTE, TEATRO LATEA, EL CENTRO Celebrate BORIMIX: Puerto Rico Fest 2024 during Puerto Rican Heritage Month. The BORIMIX Awards Ceremony is free and open to the public. This special event honores artistic leaders in the Puerto Rican community, including dynamic Boricua...
Putinoika Book Review
PUTINOIKA BOOK REVIEW BY LATINX POP MAGAZINE "The Putinas’s voices, mainly comprised of Ivana, Ivanka, and Melania, brilliantly parallel with the Maenads—whose existence is determined by their devotion to Bacchus. Yet it is not Bacchus but the Putin’s Russian regime that is the Putinas’s subject of devotion in this case. As Melania the Putina reaffirms, “We’re more flesh than inspiration. We’re...
The Waste Land Giannina Braschi
The Waste Land Giannina Braschi Giannina Braschi reads T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land Giannina Braschi reads from The Waste Land Short Film on TS ELIOT’S THE WASTE LAND Madame Sosostris, famous clairvoyante,Had a bad cold, neverthelessIs known to be the wisest woman in Europe, With a wicked pack of cards. Here, said she, Is your card, the drowned Phoenician Sailor, (Those are pearls that...
Borimix Awards 2024
Borimix Awards 2024
Giannina Braschi
Máximo Rafael Colón
Arlene Davila
Sully Díaz
Gabriel Diego Hernandez
Sonia Manzano
Eddie Noel
Willie Perdomo
Charles Rice
Andres Chulisi Rodriguez
Didi Romero
Jeannie Sol
Rhina Valentin