
Puerto Rican Poets @ The Whitney


Puerto Rican Poets @ The Whitney Museum of American Art. Don’t miss “El bello no ser de nuestros cuerpos / Our Bodies’ Beautiful Not Being,” a reading curated by Raquel Salas Rivera in partnership with the Whitney exhibition “No existe un mundo poshuracán: Puerto Rican Art in the Wake of Hurricane Maria.” On December 4, 2022 at 2pm, enjoy readings by Giannina...

Postcolonial Graphic Novels


Bookshelf recommends Postcolonial graphic novel "United States of Banana" by Latinx philosopher Giannina Braschi. "United States of Banana: A Graphic Revolution is a postmodern graphic novel, adding illustrations by Swedish cartoonist Joakim Lindengren to parts of Puerto Rican writer Giannina Braschi’s 2011 postmodern text. The result is a complex tale about U.S. imperialism and Puerto Rican...

Pastoral Poems Contemporary


Pastoral poems contemporary. What does winter or autumn or spring or summer know of memory? They know nothing of memory. They know that seasons pass and return. They know that they are seasons. That they are time. And they know how to affirm themselves. And they know how to impose themselves. And they know how to maintain themselves. What does autumn know of summer? What sorrows do seasons have...

Translanguaging | Translingual Literature


Translanguaging in Literature is the subject of Francisco Moreno-Fernández’s following essay entitled “Yo-Yo Boing! Or Literature as a Translingual Practice.”

Nuyorican Poetry Philosophy


Read how Giannina Braschi's literature emerged from the heart of the Nuyorican movement, along with poets like Pedro Pietri, Nancy Mercado, and Edwin Torres... Thomas Roth reviews the anthology "Poets Philosophers and Lovers: On the Writings of Giannina Braschi" for the Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies. This blog post features an excerpt of Roth's essay on Braschi’s visionary role in...

Theory and Play of the Duende


The Center of Applied Jungian Studies presents a Lecture Series on the Art of Individuation, featuring Giannina Braschi on Lorca's Theory and Play of the Duende.

Latinx Philosophy: Contradiction and Extinction


Latinx philosopher Giannina Braschi won the Cambiemos Prize from Cambio16 in Spain for her life’s work. This blog features an excerpt of a conversation between Giannina Braschi and Jorge Neri Bonilla on contradiction, extinction, and creativity.

Asalto al tiempo


Flashback! This blog features an early review by the Mexican scholar and translator José Vásquez Amaral of Giannina Braschi's first poems in Spanish. The review was published in Diorama de la Cultura in Excelsior in Mexico in 1981.

Puerto Rican Writers, Artists, Activists


Puerto Rican writers, artists, activists, and scholars at EL CENTRO Puerto Rican writers, artists, activists, and scholars are the focus of CENTRO’s publications. Taking advantage of its vast archival resources and connections in the Puerto Rican community, CENTRO disseminates crucial information about Puerto Rican contributions to the political, economic, and social cultures of the United...

Post-Boom Literature Classics


Boston College Libraries recommends Boom and Post-Boom Literature Classics by novelists and storytellers such as: Julio Cortázar, Mario Vargas Llosa, José Donoso, Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel García Márquez, Isabel Allende, Roberto Bolaño, Cristina Peri Rossi, Elena Poniatowska, Severo Sarduy, Manuel Puig, Luisa Valenzuela, and Giannina Braschi.