
Puerto Rican Writers, Artists, Activists


Puerto Rican writers, artists, activists, and scholars at EL CENTRO Puerto Rican writers, artists, activists, and scholars are the focus of CENTRO’s publications. Taking advantage of its vast archival resources and connections in the Puerto Rican community, CENTRO disseminates crucial information about Puerto Rican contributions to the political, economic, and social cultures of the United...

Post-Boom Literature Classics


Boston College Libraries recommends Boom and Post-Boom Literature Classics by novelists and storytellers such as: Julio Cortázar, Mario Vargas Llosa, José Donoso, Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel García Márquez, Isabel Allende, Roberto Bolaño, Cristina Peri Rossi, Elena Poniatowska, Severo Sarduy, Manuel Puig, Luisa Valenzuela, and Giannina Braschi.

Biografía de la escritora Giannina Braschi


Biografía de la escritora Giannina Braschi. “Pocas voces se han alzado en los últimos tiempos con la fuerza creadora y la capacidad de seducción de Giannina Braschi, la poeta puertorriqueña que ha revolucionado el panorama literario con una propuesta sincera, innovadora e inquietante. Braschi utiliza la palabra como una herramienta para la transformación social, un arma del futuro capaz de...

CENTRO spotlights Puerto Rican authors


CENTRO, the journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies, reviews Poets Philosophers Lovers: On the Writings of Giannina Braschi. "What we witness in Braschi is an artist that moves beyond the traditional im/migrant story in search of the American Dream, though the American Dream looms large in her writing. Her work reveals characterizations that constantly question the imposition of ideologies...

Essential Resource for Braschian Studies + Latinx Literature


The Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies declares "Poets Philosophers Lovers" an essential resource for Braschian studies. "Like the poets, philosophers, and lovers who are knocking on the door to enter the dialogue of the Republic in United States of Banana, this volume crosses a threshold as a means to critically and creatively reflect on the lifework of Giannina Braschi. This, above...

Postcolonial Nation-States: Nations without Borders


The anthology "GLOBAL MIDDLE EAST: Into the 21st Century features a brilliant chapter "On Nations Without Borders" by Hamid Dabashi who shows what Mozart, Nietzsche and Braschi have in common. "One particularly powerful gestation of Nietzsche's Zarathustra is via Walter Kaufmann's groundbreaking translation into English. It came to North America and eventually found its way to an utterly...

Booktrib’s news from the book world


NEWS FROM THE BOOK WORLD 2022 Literary Awards and Accolades: Knight Owl by Christopher Denise, Hooky by Míriam Bonastre Tur and Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao named winners of the 2022 Barnes & Noble Children’s & Young Adult Book Awards. Lea Ypi’s Free wins the 2022 RSL Ondaatje Prize. Charlie Petch’s Why I Was Late wins the 2022 ReLit Award for Poetry. Puerto Rican writer Giannina Braschi wins...

Premio Enrique Anderson Imbert 2022


La Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (ANLE) otorgó su Premio Nacional “Enrique Anderson Imbert 2022” a la destacada escritora puertorriqueña Giannina Braschi. El jurado premió, por unanimidad, a Giannina Braschi, cuya trayectoria exhibe una riqueza de facetas que excede cualquier denominación simplificadora”, comentó el director de la ANLE, Carlos E. Paldao. Se trata del...

Academia Puertorriqueña de la Lengua Española


La Academia Puertorriqueña de la Lengua Española promueve el uso correcto, la conservación y el estudio del español en el contexto de la historia cultural del País, desde sus orígenes hasta sus más recientes manifestaciones, y representa internacionalmente a Puerto Rico ante las Academias hermanas.