"Love for Life: Notes on Giannina Braschi and United States of Banana" written by Nuria Morgado for LALT Dossiers.
Amor por la vida
"Amor por la vida: Notas sobre Giannina Braschi y Estados Unidos de Banana" por Nuria Morgado. Latin American Literature Today.
Giannina Braschi’s Genealogy
Giannina Braschi, a Puerto Rican by birth and a New Yorker by adoption, has received a number of labels in a critical attempt at classifying her oeuvre: a Nuyorican poet, a Latinx philosopher, a postmodern novelist, a social satirist, a magical realist, a feminist, a post-dramatic playwright, etc. Frequent terms associated with her work include Spanglish, transnational, speculative fiction...
Genealogía de Giannina Braschi
Genealogía de Giannina Braschi: Latin American Literature Today La genealogía de Giannina Braschi Latin American Literature Today: NÚMERO 28 DOSSIER: GIANNINA BRASCHI La genealogía de Giannina Braschi por Manuel Broncano Puertorriqueña de nacimiento y neoyorkina de adopción, Giannina Braschi se ha visto catalogada con las más variopintas etiquetas: poeta nuyorriqueña, filósofa latinx...
Imperio de los sueños
Imperio de los sueños Los picaportes de Giannina Braschi: El imperio de los sueños LATIN AMERICAN LITERATURE TODAY NÚMERO 28 DOSSIER: GIANNINA BRASCHI El imperio de los sueños Los picaportes de Giannina Braschi por Sarah Ahmad La última vez que visité a Giannina, me mostró ocho picaportes que parecían joyas, apoyados en su isla de cocina, todos de diferentes colores y tamaños, ordenados...
Giannina’s Doorknobs
"Giannina’s Doorknobs" is a lyrical essay by Sarah Ahmad, published in Latin American Literature Today (#28), as part of DOSSIER: GIANNINA BRASCHI
Estrellas Mediceas
"Cuando creas un género—que no es un movimiento—porque carece de pasado—y si lo tiene—es un pasado que está preñado de un futuro mayor que su pasado—su pasado es su pos-creación—solo un punto de partida—que creó modos de pensamiento. Un género contiene movimientos, generaciones—y cuando todos esos conceptos expiren en el tiempo—el género—que es un artefacto hecho cambio—no pertenece a ninguna...
Medician Stars
"A genre has in itself movements, generations—and after all these concepts expire in time—the genre—that is an artifact—that is a fact made shift—it doesn’t belong to a date—it is not dated—it includes all the expirations that expire in its belly—and it is still pregnant with new beginnings. It allows transformations, revolutions but in itself it is a discovery, an invention like the stars...
Giannina Braschi Dossier
The dossier highlights the work of writer Giannina Braschi, Puerto Rican by birth and a New Yorker by adoption. As Manuel Broncano rightly tells us, Giannina Braschi can be seen as ‘a Nuyorican poet, a Latinx philosopher, a postmodern novelist, a social satirist, a magical realist, a feminist, a post-dramatic playwright…’ and many other things besides. Braschi, like all those who...
Yo-Yo Boing! Videos
Yo-Yo Boing! Videos
Jon Beasley-Murray interviews Giannina Braschi on Yo-Yo Boing!
Giannina Braschi’s Yo-Yo Boing!
Conversation between Giannina Braschi and Jon Beasley-Murray in which they discuss language, cosmopolitanism, the collective, and the end of the twentieth century.