
Entrevista de televisión: Cambiemos con Jorge Neri Bonilla


Pocas voces se han alzado en los últimos tiempos con la fuerza creadora y la capacidad de seducción de Giannina Braschi, la poeta puertorriqueña que ha revolucionado el panorama literario con una propuesta sincera, innovadora e inquietante. Braschi utiliza la palabra como una herramienta para la transformación social, un arma del futuro capaz de impulsar el cambio hacia un mundo mas humano, justo...

Contemporary Latinx Literature


"Sidestepping the easily consumable, Braschi’s creative work puts pressure on and radically bends a Latinx literary canon, and with this she calls attention to the self-within-the-collective of nation and diasporic community. She converses with Isabel Rios (Victuum, 1976), Cecile Pineda (Face, 1985), Guillermo Gomez-Peña (Codex Espangliensis, 1998), Alejandro Morales (Waiting to Happen, 2001)...

Famous Puerto Rican Poem: Soy Boricua


PEN calls the Puerto Rican poet and author Giannina Braschi one of the most revolutionary writers in Latin American literature today. In Puerto Rico, we are proud to call this Boricua more simply “one of us!” Born in San Juan, she was a founding member of El Coro de Niños de San Juan, a fashion model, and tennis champion in her teen years on the island. Her family friends and mentors included the...

Puerto Rican Song Cycle


Latinx Spaces interviewed Puerto Rican composer Gabriel Bouche Caro about his art song cycle based upon Giannina Braschi's epic love poem to New York City, El imperio de los sueños. Braschi named Angelamaría Dávila, Luis Pales Matos, and Julia de Burgos as her favorite Puerto Rican poets who the composer should include in his song cycle.

Cambio16 Entrevista: Nosotros somos la revolución


CAMBIEMOS con Jorge Neri Bonilla. "Pocas voces se han alzado en los últimos tiempos con la fuerza creadora y la capacidad de seducción de Giannina Braschi (San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1953), la poeta puertorriqueña que ha revolucionado el panorama literario en América con una propuesta sincera, innovadora e inquietante, no exenta de una fina ironía que, por momentos, desborda en un humor ácido e...

Latin American Philosophers and Poets Today


Giannina Braschi is one of our great Latinx vanguardista poets, performers, fiction makers. However, like other deep creators—think Roberto Bolaño, Fernando A. Flores, Salvador Plascencia—the complexity of their work at once demands attentive study and scares off the weak of heart. Like a Borges or a Faulkner, Braschi pushes hard at the limits of creation. In this sense, she’s a poet and a poet’s...

World Literature Today: Latinx Poet and Philosopher


The avant-garde writings of Puerto Rican author Giannina Braschi have long been the subject of college courses and doctoral dissertations in fields ranging from Latin American studies and Spanglish linguistics to postmodern and postcolonial literatures. But these days her radical texts are popping up in popular culture and far-ranging spaces traditionally devoid of Latinx poetry and philosophy...

On the Intersection of Fashion and Poetry


Fashion is a curtain that unveils the frenzy of poetry. Fashion offers us clues of the collective mood. Its frivolity is important because it makes light of what is heavy. Everything good in life has light or wants to become light.