Jorge Neri Bonilla Si hubiese estado en Afganistán y la dejan atrás, se escondería en una burka o tomaría un fusil? No me escondería. Pero si me ocultaría. Decía Ovidio: “Vivió bien quien supo ocultarse bien”. Lo he hecho toda mi vida. Me he ocultado para crear un culto, un gusto, una persona, una filosofía. Y Peter Handke dice: “Vivo de lo que los otros no saben de mi”. Vivo con lo oculto...
Reseña: Poetas, filósofos y amantes
Puertorriqueña, estadounidense, nuyorican, latinoamericana y latinx, poeta, novelista, dramaturga y artista, Giannina Braschi desafía cualquier intento de clasificación
Classic American poems about the night
Read classic American poems about the night on Prose Poem about the Night by Giannina Braschi Poetry of a shark with two whales and a scarecrow. Poetry of a crab and aturtle. Poetry of an elevator and two cars. Poetry of a giant and a dwarf.Poetry of the clown and the drunkard. Poetry of the star and the wall.Poetry of the summer and the mountain. Poetry of the flying rabbit and...
Reseña literaria: para leer a Giannina Braschi
Los 15 ensayos de “Poets, Philosophers, Lovers. On the Writings of Giannina Braschi”, escritos por otros tantos estudiosos de la literatura, conforman una reflexión erudita sobre su obra Libre, imprevisible, original, la escritura de Giannina Braschi suscita diversas respuestas. Los quince ensayos de este libro, escritos por otros tantos estudiosos de la literatura, conforman una reflexión...
Teach This Latinx Graphic Novel about 9/11
Giannina Braschi and Joakim Lindengren teamed up on this scathing critique of American colonialism. Through comic book format they take to task state sanctioned violence, mass incarceration, mass deportation, and financial terrorism in post-9/11 American culture.
Las transformaciones de Giannina Braschi
"Esta escritora puertorriqueña, revolucionaria, retadora, visionaria y valiente, ha superado los encasillamientos usuales con que se suele silenciar la voz de los nuestros"
Temporary Tattoos of Women Authors and Artists
An Austrian literary organization came up with a series of temporary tattoos of vanguard women authors and artists, including Leonora Carrington, Remedio Varo, Giannina Braschi, Anna Kavan, Inger Christensen, Christine Brooke-Rose, and Ilse Aichinger. Lisa Spalt, creator of these wonderful and whacky tattoos, posted them on Twitter. Tattoos of Women Poets and Artist Tattoos of Women Poets and...
United States of Banana, a Tale for Our Times
United States of Banana: A Graphic Novel is recommended by Midwest Books.
"As iconoclastic and entertaining as it is thoughtful and thought-provoking, United States of Banana is a tale for our times and unreservedly recommended for community, college and university library political graphic novel collections."
A Puerto Rican Visionary, Hispanic New York
Hispanic New York: "Avid fans of Latin American and Latino literature have long been following the Puerto Rican writer Giannina Braschi. Best known for penning the first Spanglish novel Yo-Yo Boing! and geopolitical tragicomedy United States of Banana, Braschi is an ardent champion of Puerto Rican independence—and of free expression. Often called revolutionary and prophetic, her high-voltage...
World Literature Today on Latinx Philosopher
“How can you continue to believe in poetry, after all the blows that life has dealt you? How does one still believe in feelings and innocence?” Giannina Braschi