Woman of the Year 2025 


Woman of the Year 2025

Rosalía Arteaga Honors Woman of the Year 2025

Woman of the Year 2025 Giannina Braschi
Rosalía Arteaga – The Glocal Woman Foundation Celebrates Woman of the Year 2025

Nuestra colaboración se extiende al desarrollo de la mujer en diversos ámbitos: económico, ambiental, educación, empoderamiento, desarrollo sostenible, salud, cultura, educación científica y tecnológica.

Our collaboration extends to the development of women in various areas: economic, environmental, education, empowerment, sustainable development, health, culture, science and technology education.

International Recognition – Woman of the Year, New York 2025 

Opening ceremony by Rosalía Arteaga Serrano and Honorable Judge Carmen Velasquez



Exhibition in Tribute to the Master Estuardo Maldonado: “From Pre-Columbian to Dimensionalism” Master and disciple. Special donation from the members of the Estuardo Maldonado Foundation New York


Monica Sarmiento-Archer Ph.D., Director of bi/Coa, and RAW Team

Claudia Arteaga, Executive Director Fidal Foundation, EcoMuseo

Faustino Quintanilla, Director of QCC Art Gallery – CUNY Museum

Maria Elena López, Executive Director, RAW The Glocal Women Foundation

Antonio Morales, President of La Nacional Spanish Benevolent Society

Women of the Year 2025

Cecilia Vicuña is a poet, artist, activist and filmmaker whose work addresses pressing concerns of the modern world, including ecological destruction. Born and raised in Santiago de Chile, she has been in exile since the early 1970s, after the military coup against the president Salvador Allende. In London, she was a co-founder of Artists for Democracy in l974. She coined the term “Arte Precario” in the mid-1960s in Chile. Vicuña has re-invented the ancient Pre-Columbian quipu (knot in Quechua) system of non-writing with knots through ritual acts that weave the urban landscape, rivers and oceans, as well as people, envisioned as poems in space. Woman of the Year 2025.

Rhina Espaillat is a poet, essayist, and bilingual translator. Born in the Dominican Republic in 1933, her family fled to the United States to settle in New York City in 1939. She began writing bilingual poetry as a young girl and has published numerous poetry and prose collections in both languages. She received the T.S. Eliot (1998) and the Richard Wilbur (2001) awards. In 2018, Salem State College granted her its Lifetime Achievement Award and in 2024 she accepted the Order of Duarte, Sánchez y Mella, the highest award granted by the Dominican Government to its citizens. More on the poet at: Rhina P. Espaillat | The Poetry Foundation.

Joanne Pillsbury is the Andrall E. Pearson Curator at The Metropolitan Museum of Art.A specialist in the art and archaeology of the ancient Americas, Joanne Pillsbury (PhD,  Columbia University) was previously associate director of the Getty Research Institute and director of Pre-Columbian Studies at Dumbarton Oaks. She has published widely, including Guide to Documentary Sources for Andean Studies, 1530–1900; the Alfred H. Barr, Jr., Award recipients Ancient Maya Art at Dumbarton Oaks (2012) and Lives of the Gods: Divinity in Maya Art (2022); and Past Presented: Archaeological Illustration and the Ancient Americas (2012), which was awarded the Association for Latin American Art Book Award. Her 2017 exhibition catalogue, Golden Kingdoms: Luxury Arts in the Ancient Americas (prepared with Timothy Potts and Kim Richter), was the winner of a PROSE Award for Excellence.

Carmen Boullosa (México, 1954), escritora. Premios (en México) Villaurrutia, Ibargüengoitia, Pacheco, Arredondo y Tablada; en Alemania el Liberatur, y el Anna Seghers; en Madrid el Café Gijón de novela y el Casa de América de poesía. Becaria Guggenheim, del Cullman Center, Centro Mexicano de Escritores y del sistema nacional de creadores. Escritora residente de la DAAD en Berlín. Profesora en Macaulay Honors College, CUNY. Profesora visitante distinguida en Columbia, Georgetown, SDSU, Blaise Pascal; Cátedra Andrés Bello en NYU, Alfonso Reyes en la Sorbona, y Distinguished Lecturer en City College, CUNY. Recibió siete NY-EMMYs. Por el Programa NUEVA YORK. ISDVA Honores Causa, y Fellow”de NYHI. Woman of the Tear 2025.

Nuria Morgado, nacida en Barcelona, España, es catedrática de estudios hispánicos en la City University of New York (CUNY) y destaca como investigadora, conferencista, crítica literaria y editora. Su investigación en el ámbito de las literaturas y culturas hispánicas transita las fronteras de los estudios culturales, comparativos e interdisciplinarios, aportando siempre una visión filosófica crítica y renovadora. En marzo de 2024, Nuria Morgado hizo historia al convertirse en la primera mujer en dirigir la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (ANLE). Con una trayectoria marcada por su compromiso con las letras hispánicas, también lidera como directora y editora general del Boletín de la ANLE (BANLE), reafirmando su impacto en el panorama cultural y académico. Woman of the Year 2025.

Giannina Braschi is “one of the most revolutionary voices in Latin America” declared PEN America. She is the iconic Puerto Rican author of the epic poem El imperio de los sueños, the classic Spanglish novel Yo-Yo Boing!, and the geopolitical tragicomedy Estados Unidos de Banana on the collapse of the American empire and the liberation of Puerto Rico, inspired by Calderon de la Barca’s Life is Dream. Her magnus opus PUTINOIKA is a multi-genre epic, offering a biting and hilarious denunciation of Trump’s America, based of Euripides’ Bacchae. The U.S. Library of Congress calls Giannina Braschi “cutting-edge, influential, and revolutionary.”  Woman of the Year 2025.

Luchia Meihua Lee, M.A., M. Phil. is the founding Executive Director of the Taiwanese American Arts Council (TAAC) and a distinguished independent curator, cultural organizer, and arts writer with over two decades of experience. Based in New York City, Lee has dedicated her career to supporting and promoting diverse artists and fostering cross-cultural understanding through contemporary art. In renowned media outlets such as The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. Before founding TAAC in 2014, Lee held key roles as Director and Chief Curator of the Exhibition Department at the National Taiwan Museum of Art, Cultural Specialist at Taiwan’s Council for Cultural Affairs, and Curator at the Taipei Gallery in New York’s Rockefeller Center.

Victoria Zhang is the author of “The Crown of Thorns”. In China, as the soul-mate of a dissident writer, she fought for freedom of speech and human rights and resists authoritarian persecution. In the USA, she served for a College as an educator to help countless new immigrants enter mainstream American society. She is the president of Kunlun Press and CEO of Borderless Culture & Art Center now. She assists in the overseas publication and global distribution of works banned in authoritarian and totalitarian countries that cannot be published due to censorship. Her mission is: To embrace cultural traditions, preserve social and historical memory, build human solidarity, call for world peace, uphold social justice, prosper community culture, and promote social civilization.

Summer Schneider has experience coaching and managing dozens of teachers and other school staff with consideration and focus on rigorous academics and strong school culture. In the year leading up to the opening of Legacy, she completed a year-long fellowship with Building Excellent Schools (BES) focused on charter school design and leadership. Mrs. Schneider started her career in education as a Teach For America corps member in St. Louis teaching high school math and served as the Math Department Chair at Soldan International Studies. Outside of her school-based experience, Mrs. Schneider has a BS in Business Economics and a BS in Business Administration from the University of Kentucky. She also has a MA in Secondary Mathematics Instruction from the University of Missouri-St. Louis.

Ingrid Echeverría, abogada nació en San Miguel, El Salvador. Emigró a los Estados Unidos a la edad de 12 años. Ha ejercido la abogacía durante los últimos 16 años. Es comentarista en la Cadena Televisiva Hispana Telemundo como experta en leyes de inmigración durante los últimos 3 años. Se ha ganado el respeto y la admiración de la comunidad latina debido a su incansable defensa de los inmigrantes indocumentados. Defiende exitosamente a clientes en procedimientos de deportación en los estados de Nueva Jersey, Nueva York, Pensilvania, Connecticut y Maryland. Dirige un exitoso bufete de abogados con oficinas en West New York, Dover y North Plainfield. Su práctica se enfoca en litigios migratorios, matrimoniales, inmobiliarios y civiles. Su constante e inflexible lucha por los derechos de la comunidad migrante le ha valido los sobrenombres de “Ángel de los Migrantes” y “Embajadora de los Latinos”.

María Guillen, Ecuadorian, María immigrated to the United States in 1980 looking to get ahead and continue in her career and to achieve success. In a country where individuals make their own opportunities, Maria faced many obstacles, but she never lost faith in herself and keeping her dreams in sight, Maria continued to pursue her goals. Beginning her university studies in Ecuador, Maria continued her academic preparation at Baruch University, a university in the City of New York. Her perseverance and dedication allowed her to embark on a successful career in banking. His tenacity and commitment gave him the flexibility to try various positions within the banking field. She was promoted as the Vise-assistant chair of the residential mortgage lending department.

Rosalía Arteaga – The Glocal Women Foundation. Somos un equipo de mujeres, por y para el desarrollo de la mujer, tenemos como fines promover la igualdad y el respeto en la participación, representación y desarrollo de las mujeres en todas las edades y en los distintos espacios del accionar ciudadano, tales como político, social, educativo, económico, ambiental, tecnológico y de salud sexual y reproductiva a nivel local, nacional y regional en ámbitos seguros y sin violencia.

We are a team of women supporting the development of women worldwide. We promote equality and respect in the representation and development of women of all ages in various settings, political, social, educational, economic, environmental, technological, and sexual and reproductive health, at the local, national and international levels in safe and non-violent settings.

Women of the Year 2025 Press Links:

Key tags: Woman of the Year 2025, Rosalía Arteaga The Glocal Women Foundation, Subtags: Woman of the Year 2025 New York, Women of the Year 2025 Glocal Foundation, Woman of the Year 2025.Rosalía Arteaga Foundation.

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