Further Reading

Essays and Books on United States of Banana
Aldama, Frederick Luis and Tess O’Dwyer, eds. Poets, Philosophers, Lovers: On the Writings of Giannina Braschi. University of Pittsburgh Press (2020).
Aldama, Frederick, and Christopher González. Latinx Studies: The Key Concepts. Routledge, 2018.
Allatson, Paul. “From ‘Latinidad’ to ‘Latinid@des’: Imagining the Twenty-First Century.” The Cambridge Companion to Latina/o American Literature. (2016)
Ashbaugh, Anne. “Exile and Burial of Ontological Sameness: A Dialogue Between Zarathustra and Giannina.” Poets, Philosophers, Lovers: On the Writings of Giannina Braschi. University of Pittsburgh Press. (2020).
Associated Press. “Imaginación por las nubes: United States of Banana. El status político de Puerto Rico y los inmigrantes latinos son la musa de la escritora Giannina Braschi.” Primera Hora (November 21, 2011).
Beck, Evelyn. Review of United States of Banana. Library Journal. (2011)
Clarkson, Shaun. “Torching the Symbols of Liberty in United States of Banana.” Creative Sanctions: Imaginative Limits and the Post-9/11 Novel. Purdue University, 2017.

Cruz-Malavé, Arnaldo Manuel. “Under the Skirt of Liberty: Giannina Braschi Rewrites Empire.” American Quarterly 66.3. (2014)
Daniele, Daniela. “Gamifying World Literature: Giannina Braschi’s United States of Banana (The Cartoon Art of September 11th).” Poets, Philosophers, Lovers: On the Writings of Giannina Braschi. University of Pittsburgh Press. (2020)
Daniele, Daniela. “Review of United States of Banana: Apocalypse and Grand-Guignol” Evergreen Review. No. 128-129. (Spring 2012)
Delgado, José. A. “‘La libertad no es una opción, es un derecho’: La autora puertorriqueña aboga por que la isla tenga libertad y voz independiente.” El Nuevo Dia. (September 24, 2012)
Díaz, Carmen Graciela. “Avión, sol y libertad.” El Nuevo Dia. (November 17, 2011)
Díaz, Alfonso. “Giannina Braschi lanza United States of Banana” NTN24: Últimas Noticias de América y el mundo. (November 24, 2011)
EFE. “Giannina Braschi aborda la inmigración y el estatus de Puerto Rico en su nuevo libro.” Agencia EFE. (October 11, 2011)
EFE. “AmazonCrossing en Español lanza “Estados Unidos de Banana” (Libro latinoamericano vislumbra la desintegración del imperio americano). Agencia EFE. (April 27, 2016)
Felix, Juan Pablo. “United States of Banana: A Postcolonial Dramatic Fiction Columbia University Academic Commons. (2015)
Gonzalez, Madelena. “United States of Banana (2011), Elizabeth Costello (2003) and Fury (2001): Portrait of the Writer as the ‘Bad Subject’ of Globalisation.” Études britanniques contemporaines. (2014)
Gutiérrez Negrón, Sergio. Review of Poets, Philosophers, Lovers: On the Writings of Giannina Braschi. World Literature Today. (Summer 2021)
Hernández, Carmen Dolores. “El reino del absurdo.” El Nuevo Día. (January 21, 2012)
Hernández, Carmen Dolores.”Las transformaciones de Giannina Braschi.” El Nuevo Día. (August 7, 2021)
Hitchcock, Peter. “Novelization in Decolonization, or Postcolonialism Reconsidered.” Globes: Past and Peripheral Imaginations of Globalization. Ferdinand, Simon, and Irene Villaescusa-Illán, eds. Palgrave Macmillan. (2019)

Lara-Bonilla, Inmaculada. Review of Estados Unidos Banana. Chasqui: Reviews. (December 2018)
Levingston, Steven. “Dog-eared and Tattered: Writers reflect on their favorite works of literature.” The Washington Post: Book World. (September 16, 2012)
Loingsigh, Aedin Ni. “Rewriting and Original Writing: Culture Clashes, Trauma and Emerging Discourses in Giannina Braschi’s United States of Banana.” Rewriting in the 20th-21st Centuries: Aesthetic Choice or Political Act? Epinoux, Estelle and Nathatlie Martinière, eds. Paris: M. Houdiard. (2015)
Lowry, Elizabeth. “The Human Barnyard: Rhetoric, Identification, and Symbolic Representation in Giannina Braschi’s United States of Banana.” Representing 9/11: Trauma, Ideology, and Nationalism in Literature, Film, and Television. Petrovic, Paul, ed. Rowman & Littlefield. (2015)
Lugo-Bertrán, Dorian. “Leaping Off the Page: Giannina Braschi’s Intermedialities.” Poets, Philosophers, Lovers: On the Writings of Giannina Braschi. University of Pittsburgh Press. (2020)
Mendoza-de Jesús, Ronald. “Free-dom: United States of Banana and the Limits of Sovereignty” (on Jacques Derrida and Giannina Braschi). Poets, Philosophers, Lovers: On the Writings of Giannina Braschi. University of Pittsburgh Press. (2020)
Negron-Almodovar, Coral N. “Reclamo de la libertad desde las letras: Giannina Braschi disfruta del rumbo que ha tomado su novela United States of Banana (desde el libro, al teatro y al cómic).” El Nuevo Dia. (July 8, 2015)
Olivas, Daniel A.” Is September 11th a Laughing Matter? The Graphic Novel United States of Banana Tackles Taboo Subjects.” La Bloga. (August 9, 2021)
O’Dwyer, Tess. “A Conversation between Frederick Luis Aldama and Tess O’Dwyer, Co-Editors of Poets, Philosophers, Lovers: On the Writings of Giannina Braschi.” Latin American Literature Today, Number 17. (Spring 2021).
O’Dwyer, Tess. “Popping Up in Pop Culture and Other Unlikely Spaces: Latinx Author Giannina Braschi Crosses Over”. World Literature Today. (Spring 2021)
Pérez-Duthie, Juan Carlos. “Autora busca la libertad en la palabra.” Miami Sun Sentinel. (November 24, 2011)
Pérez, Rolando. “The Bilingualisms of Latino/a Literatures” Ilan Stavans, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Latino Studies. (2020)
Pérez, Rolando. “My Dinner with Giannina.” Poets, Philosophers, Lovers: On the Writings of Giannina Braschi.Aldama, Frederick Luis and Tess O’Dwyer, eds. University of Pittsburgh Press. 2020

Perisic, Alexandra. Precarious Crossings: Immigration, Neoliberalism, and the Atlantic. The Ohio State University Press. (2019)
Popescu, Maria-Irina. “Reimagining Traitors: Pearl Abraham’s American Taliban and the Case of John Walker Lindh.” Journal of American Studies 53.3. (2019)
Ramírez Betances, Beatriz E. “El Yo-Yo en los Estados Unidos de Banana.” Cruce: Crítica Socio-Cultural Contemporánea. 2011.
Ramos, Francisco José. “The Holy Trinity: Money, Power, and Success in United States of Banana.” Poets, Philosophers, Lovers: On the Writings of Giannina Braschi. Aldama, Frederick Luis and Tess O’Dwyer, eds. University of Pittsburgh Press. (2020)
Ramos, Francisco José. “La obra de Giannina Braschi.” En Rojo/Claridad. (2011)
Rathke, Edward. Interview with Giannina Braschi. Monkey Bicycle. (August 23, 2013)
Remeseira, Claudio Iván. “Summer Reads: Brilliant takes on Nuyoricans, Random Murder and Narco-literatura.” NBC Latino. (2013)
Remeseira, Claudio Iván. “United States of Braschi: A Deep New Look into a Puerto Rican Visionary.” Hispanic New York. (July 14, 2021)
Riofrio, John. “Falling for debt: Giannina Braschi, the Latinx Avant-garde, and Financial Terrorism in the United States of Banana.” Latino Studies 18.1. (2020)
Riofrio, John. “Rompiendo Esquemas: Catastrophic Bravery in United States of Banana.” Poets, Philosophers, Lovers: On the Writings of Giannina Braschi. University of Pittsburgh Press. (2020)
Rodríguez, Jorge. “A Solas con Giannina Braschi.” El Vocero. (November 20, 2011)
Roldán Soto, Camile. “Giannina Braschi, Profeta literaria de su tierra. Para la escritora, sus obras han pasado a ser, sin buscarlo, una especie de oráculo de Puerto Rico.” El Nuevo Dia. (July 24, 2018)
Rother, Larry. “Rushdie Brings PEN Festival to a Close.” The New York Times. (May 7, 2012)
Romero-Cesareo, Yvette and Lisa Paravisini-Gebert, eds. “New Book: Giannina Braschi’s United States of Banana.” Repeating Islands. (December 12, 2011)
Smith, Amanda M. and Sheeran, Amy. Introduction. “United States of Banana, A Graphic Novel.” Joakim Lindengren and Giannina Braschi.” The Ohio State University Press. (2021)
Smith, Amanda M. and Sheeran, Amy. “A Graphic Revolution: Talking Poetry and Politics with Giannina Braschi.”Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literature, Arts, and Culture, 2.2. (2018)
Soto, Natasha. “Hispanic Heritage Month: Recommending Female Latin American Authors.” New York Public Library. (2018)
Stanchich, Maritza. “Bilingual Big Bang: Giannina Braschi’s Trilogy Levels the Spanish-English Playing Field.” Poets, Philosophers, Lovers: On the Writings of Giannina Braschi. University of Pittsburgh. (2020)
Torrens, Claudia. “Novela de Braschi fantasea con un mundo ideal para hispanos.” Associated Press. (October 2011)
Esta escritora puertorriqueña, revolucionaria, retadora, visionaria y valiente, ha superado los encasillamientos usuales con que se suele silenciar la voz de los nuestros
Waldron, John V. Review of Estados Unidos de Banana. Trad. Manuel Broncano. Feministas Unidas. (2018)
Youker, Timothy E. “War and Peace and Ubu: Colonialism, the Exception, and Jarry’s Legacy.” Criticism 57.4. (2015)
“United States of Banana is Braschi’s masterpiece, a volume that is as much a masterclass on how to romper esquemas as it is a manifesto on the increasing urgency to do so.”
John “Rio” Riofrio
“Rompiendo esquemas: Catastrophic Bravery in United States of Banana“