TagAssault on Time

Gather in Poems 2023


The Academy of American Poets presents Gather in Poems 2023, featuring readings by Academy Chancellors and beloved poets in the community, hosted in the spirit of gratitude and a shared hope. Ricardo Maldonado reads "Behind the Word is Silence" by Giannina Braschi. Denice Frohman reads "Relax" by Ellen Bass. Kwame Dawes reads "Traces by" Matthew Shenoda. Dorianne Laux reads "Counting" by Jane...

Latin American Poetry and Magic


"The Poetry of Giannina Braschi: Art and Magic in Assault on Time" by Laura R. Loustau contextualizes Braschi's first book of poems Asalto al tiempo within the context of Latin American visual arts and literature. The full essay appears in "Poets, Philosophers, Lovers: On the Writings of Giannina Braschi" (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2020). Enjoy these excerpts.