Pocas voces se han alzado en los últimos tiempos con la fuerza creadora y la capacidad de seducción de Giannina Braschi, la poeta puertorriqueña que ha revolucionado el panorama literario con una propuesta sincera, innovadora e inquietante. Braschi utiliza la palabra como una herramienta para la transformación social, un arma del futuro capaz de impulsar el cambio hacia un mundo mas humano, justo y regenerativo.
Jorge Neri Bonilla, CEO Cambio16
This Spanish television interview features Giannina Braschi and Jorge Neri Bonilla, CEO of Cambio16. “Few voices have been raised in recent times with the creative force and seductive capacity of Giannina Braschi, the Puerto Rican poet who has revolutionized the literary scene with an earnest, innovative, and disturbing proposal. Braschi uses the word as a tool for social transformation, a weapon of the future capable of promoting change towards a more humane, just and regenerative world,” said Neri Bonilla in his opening remarks in CAMBIEMOS.