The year 2022 marks the centenary of the publication of T.S. Eliot’s poem The Waste Land. The title of the EAAS2022 conference alludes to Eliot’s work and the main themes in it, expanding the idea of the wasteland to the study of the United States. Hence, the overarching theme of the conference is open to all kinds of reflections around the concept of “wasteland” and waste. European Association...
Urbanismo ecológico en América Latina
Urbanismo ecológico en América Latina. Ecological Urbanism in Latin America (edited by Mohsen Mostafavi, Gareth Doherty, Marina Correia, Ana María Durán Calisto and Luis Valenzuela) presents the complex and multifaceted reality of Latin America based on seven thematic axes: anticipating, collaborating, feeling, including, mobilizing, curating, and adapting. Each section of the book opens with a...
Fashion and Poetry Quotes
Here are the top 5 quotes about fashion and poetry by Giannina Braschi.
#1 "Fashion is a curtain that unveils the frenzy of poetry."
Click to read more.
Pensamiento filosófico puertorriqueño
80 Grados "Ese es el trasfondo ineludible de la obra de Giannina Braschi, oriunda de San Juan y establecida en la ciudad de Nueva York desde la década de los ’80 del pasado siglo. Obra que se inicia con Asalto al tiempo (Barcelona, 1981) y la publicación de su tesis doctoral La poesía de Bécquer: el tiempo de los objetos y los espacios de la luz (México, 1982), se prolonga en El imperio de los...
Latin American Poetry and Magic
"The Poetry of Giannina Braschi: Art and Magic in Assault on Time" by Laura R. Loustau contextualizes Braschi's first book of poems Asalto al tiempo within the context of Latin American visual arts and literature. The full essay appears in "Poets, Philosophers, Lovers: On the Writings of Giannina Braschi" (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2020). Enjoy these excerpts.
What is Translanguaging in Literature?
Socio-linguist Francisco Moreno-Fernández explains translanguaging in literature. "In this essay, I will begin from a standpoint in which spaces of contact may lead to translingual practices, and where languages constitute a continuous reality in which bilingualism translates into translingualism and languages into translanguage. My contribution adopts an analytical strategy based on the text...
¿Qué es la igualdad de género?
El género es un portento humano. Nace para crear otros géneros. Incluso géneros de ciencia, de música, de matemática, de poesía, de filosofía, de arquitectura, de pintura. Es el deseo lo que hay que despertar en la humanidad. El amor es un gran espíritu, como decía Diotima de Mantinea, la maestra de Sócrates. Nace de la necesidad y de la abundancia. Y está lleno en un momento y vacío en otro...
What is a Genre? A Future Pregnant with Thoughts.
Genre is based on space, not on time. Genres create prototypes that can last for centuries. Like the creation of the prototype of tragedy by Aeschylus. Or pataphysics by Alfred Jarry. Their future is pregnant with thoughts. A new genre creates a space that future generations can enter and write—in that model, in that prototype—a new mode of thinking. --Giannina Braschi
Latinx Philosopher on Creation of a New Genre
I am interested in the creation of a genre. Not in the creation of a literary movement. Nor in being a part of a generation. Genre is based on space, not on time. Genres create prototypes that can last for centuries. Like the creation of the prototype of tragedy by Aeschylus. Or pataphysics by Alfred Jarry. Their future is pregnant with thoughts. A new genre creates a space that future...
Antigone: Philosophy, Poetry, Theater
Poetry Magazine presents the poem Antigone by Giannina Braschi. Poetry has also featured poems by Toi Derricotte, Carolyn Forché, Terrance Hayes, Juan Felipe Herrera,Jamaal May, Les Murray, Craig Santos Perez, Safiya Sinclair, Karen Solie, C.D. Wright.