
Letras ilustradas


Letras ilustradas. Ilustradores gaditanos rinden homenaje a la literatura universal. Isabel Allende, Carmen Boullosa, Giannina Braschi, Elena Poniatowska, Julia de Burgos, María Luisa Bombal, Alfonsina Storni, Gabriela Mistral, Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda y Arteaga, Anónima, y Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.

American Feminist Epics


American Feminist Epics in the Age of Disaster is a literary seminary dedicated to experimental authors Jennifer Scappetone and Giannina Braschi.

Revenge of Poetry


Università degli Studi di Udine: Si invitano gli/le studenti/esse all'evento organizzato nel ciclo degli Incontri con l'esperto The Revenge of Poetry, the Revenge of Philosophy in Contemporary Culture. L'evento sarà curato dalla poeta e filosofa Giannina Braschi in dialogo con Tess O'Dwyer, chair alla Academy of American Poets. (a\Autrice portoricana)

To Create a Genre


Università di Trieste:

La scrittrice portoricana Giannina Braschi terrà una conferenza dal titolo “To Create a Genre” e leggerà estratti dal libro sui cui sta lavorando, nell’ambito del corso di “Narrazioni e Storytelling” della Prof.ssa Sergia Adamo.

Putinas of Putin


Putinas of Putin is a dramatic scene in the new epic tragicomedy by Giannina Braschi entitled PUTINOIKA. It's a multi-genre epic exploring the frenzy and plague in the era of Putin and Trump. Drawing inspiration from ancient Greek tragedies, PUTINOIKA unfolds in three parts: Palinode, Bacchae, and Putinoika. Amid a world overflowing with collusion, delusion, and pollution, hope not only stands...

Sagrado Corazón Alumna Honored


En la historia de Giannina Braschi, exalumna de Sagrado, se escribe un nuevo capítulo luego que la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (ANLE) le otorgara un premio “Enrique Anderson Imbert” este 2022, por su trayectoria literaria. De inicio, “la madre Arzuaga me exhortó a estudiar psicología y filosofía, un ejercicio que me ayudó a encontrarme”, dijo la poeta egresada del Colegio de las...

Puerto Rican Graphic Novels


Read about Puerto Rican graphic novels, starting with "United States of Banana" by Giannina Braschi and Joakim Lindengren. “I was a monument to immigration—now I’m a border control cop.” So admits the Statue of Liberty in Giannina Braschi’s United States of Banana, a rollicking and nakedly political allegory of US imperialism and Puerto Rican independence. Illustrated by Swedish comic book artist...

Christopher Lightfoot Walker Reading Series


Christopher Lightfoot Walker Reading Series 2023. Daughters of Latin America: An Anthology Reading Hosted by Rosie Perez amd featuring Giannina Braschi, Sonia Guiñansaca, Jamaica Kincaid, Quiara Alegría Hudes, Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro, and Esmeralda Santiago. An eclectic and inclusive time capsule spanning centuries, genres, and geographical and linguistic diversity, Daughters of Latin America is...

Unterberg Poetry Center 2023-2024


Unterberg Poetry Center 2023-2024 presents “Daughters of Latin America: An Anthology Reading”, a special program featuring Latine and Caribbean authors such as Rosie Perez, Giannina Braschi, Jamaica Kincaid, and others.

Daughters of Latin America Anthology


Daughters of Latin America An International Anthology of Writing by Latine Women By Sandra Guzman Spanning time, styles, and traditions, a dazzling collection of essential works from 140 Latine writers, scholars, and activists from across the world—from warrior poet Audre Lorde to novelist Edwidge Danticat and performer and author Elizabeth Acevedo and artist/poet Cecilia Vicuña—gathered in...